Designing Space and Code: An Architect's Journey into Tech and Entrepreneurship

I'm Rowee, an architect who learn how to code. I'm on the journey of building apps that make a difference, and see how I'm applying my design thinking to the world of tech.

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Architecture + Tech | Welcome to my personal website!

  • Published on
    My Journey learning react thru online react bootcamp in Udemy. I will split this into two parts and these are the bootcamp projects in my Udemy course - The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router) by Colt Steele
  • Published on
    My Journey learning react thru online react bootcamp in Udemy. I will split this into two parts and these are the exercises in my Udemy course - The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router) by Colt Steele
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